
Where can I read more about the IFSP competencies

Please see the useful sources page for the IFSP competences

Mentoring and Shadowing

How do I find a mentor for the CPD pathway?
There are many avenues to explore when searching for a mentor and you should be the driving force behind this. It is your mentor, your mentoring relationship at stake.

physios in sport resources that can help you include;

  • the Roll of Honour
  • your Regional Representative can also help  
  • you could place a posting on our iCSP sports medicine network and the physios in sport facebook page.

Ideally, you should identify your learning needs and areas of interest before you search for a mentor, to ensure you achieve a good fit.

Your mentor does not need to be a member of Physios in sport, however whomever you choose should have a thorough understanding of the pathway and be able to guide you with developing your critical thinking skills. Your mentor does not need to be a higher level than you, however, ideally they should be more experience than you to best help you to develop.

It is often of great benefit to have more than one mentor to avail of different viewpoints and experiences.

Do I have to meet with my mentor regularly?
No, some people have a remote relationship with their mentor. You should agree a plan with your mentor, which could include face-to-face meetings, or communication via email, phone or video call. It is totally up to you to develop the relationship to best suit your circumstances.

Does my mentor have to review my application before I submit it?
Yes, we would like your mentor to review your application before submission. This is to maximise your chance of achieving the level you hope for. It also ensures that mentors are actively involved in the application process.

You can learn more about the mentoring process on the CSP website 

What does shadowing mean?
Shadowing means that you worked in conjunction with another sports physiotherapist and you were NOT the sole practionner.

Who can I shadow?
You can shadow anyone who works in sport. Shadowing hours can include clinic-based hours but there should also be field of play type experience demonstrated.

How many shadowing hours do I need?
Everybody needs to demonstrate at least 100 hours of shadowing hours regardless of which level is being applied for.

Useful sources

CSP CPD portfolio scheme (2001)

 Planning your learning 

 Course Reflection Form 

 Facilitated Learning Document 

 SWOT form 

 Evaluation of Critical Appraisal Process 

 Critical Incidents Reflected Practices 

 CPD folder 

 Mentoring & Shadowing

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